Healthy and Delicious Best Summer Drink (Green foggy Drink) - All About Of World Is Here

Healthy and Delicious Best Summer Drink (Green foggy Drink)

This special Summer Drink, which will give you coolness, 

so let's know its recipe.

1. one peeled and roughly chopped Cucumber
2. 10 to 15 fresh Mint leaf
3. One table spoon Lemon juice 
4. Black salt 
5. Tabasco sauce 
6. Worcestershire sauce
And water.

Step 1: First take the cucumber into the jug of the mixer Add half cup of cold water then Start the mixer until Cucumber turn into a Juice, 
Step 2: Add half cup water into Cucumber Juice. Add Half table spoon Lemon juice then add two drops of tabasco sauce, drops of Worcestershire sauce, Mint leafs, black salt according to taste and Last one add one cube of crushed Ice. 
 Now switch on of Mixer and blend it all together,
Blend it until its turn to Thik smoothy. 
Now Our tasty, Healthy and refreshing GREEN FOGGY drink are ready,
You should try and enjoy. 
Healthy and Delicious Best Summer Drink (Green foggy Drink) Healthy and Delicious Best Summer Drink (Green foggy Drink) Reviewed by Earn Good Daily on July 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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